You are currently viewing Ein Mount Everest – Das sind 9 Milliarden Dollar gestapelt.

A Mount Everest - That's $9 billion stacked up.

So hoch ist aber auch der Schadensersatz, den GitHub für die Verwendung von Copyright-geschützter Open-Source Software sowohl beim Training als auch beim Betrieb der KI-Lösung Copilot leisten soll. Dafür summieren die Kläger 3,6 Millionen einzelne Verstöße zu jeweils 2500 $.  


About the background: Copilot is an AI tool that supports developers directly in programming with completions and code snippets. Among other things, the program was created with open-source code, whereby the respective terms of the owners (at least according to the lawsuit) were not adhered to. The use was thus unlawful.  

The procedure shows how important open source compliance and the legally compliant use of open source libraries can be. 


Not everyone has to deal with an issue on the scale of Mount Everest, but even small legal violations can have a huge impact on your software development. Interested?  
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